Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Images class 4/26/11

I love this cartoon! I had seen it before, and found it in Google Images. I use Google Images a lot. It has lots of amazing stuff, from bunnies to UH logos.

I mean, who doesn't love Weird Al?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Focusing during the holidays

There are too many distractions between Thanksgiving and New Year's! I think I need a pair of blinders on so that I can only see straight ahead. Curses to the internet, that siren leading me astray.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This just says it all.

Too many things on the to-do list

Why is it that we have all sorts of ways to organize our time, but end up not knowing where to start? Gazing off into the distance seems, uh, wasteful. I feel like Doug in "Up" - just say "squirrel" (or the equivalent) and my focus is gone, baby, gone.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blogs I really really like

My favorite blog is from the "fabulous and opinionated" Tom and Lorenzo. They started out blogging Project Runway and now blog about other TV shows, fashion, and more. Always hysterically funny, TLo are also very insightful. They update their blog often, and it's easy to weigh in yourself!

I also love Jezebel.com because they have lots of posts especially for women, ranging from frivolous to the serious. The comments from readers are great, too.

Using my blog for good

This blog will be used for training classes, general deep thoughts, and to post links to other blogs I like and think others would, too. (I love Rosalind Russell and especially His Gal Friday, with Cary Grant.)

Welcome to Deeper Thoughts

This blog will feature both the fun and serious things that strike my fancy, probably leaning towards the fun. Right now I am intrigued by mind maps.